mental health suicide prevention

On September 10th, 2024, Leeds will mark World Suicide Prevention Day with a vibrant ‘market place’ event at Kirkgate Market, offering essential resources and community-led walks to raise mental health awareness. With a commitment to reducing the local suicide rate of 11.6 per 100,000, organizations like Gambling With Lives and Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service will gather to support those affected and promote open conversations about mental well-being.

How is Leeds commemorating World Suicide Prevention Day 2024?

On September 10th, 2024, Leeds is observing World Suicide Prevention Day by hosting a ‘market place’ event at Kirkgate Market to provide resources and support, alongside community-led walks and employer-focused talks on mental health. The city’s comprehensive approach includes a range of services, such as Gambling With Lives and Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service, to address risk factors and support those affected by suicide.

Citywide Collaboration for Mental Health Awareness

Mental well-being remains a critical focus in today’s society, and Leeds takes a proactive stance, especially during significant events like World Suicide Prevention Day. On the 10th of September, 2024, Leeds will join the global community in raising awareness and taking action to reduce the incidence of suicide. The city plans to leverage the high footfall at Kirkgate Market—estimated at 20,000 visitors on a typical Thursday—to attract attention to this vital cause. Leeds City Council’s public health team is at the forefront of this initiative, organizing a ‘market place’ event that will provide invaluable resources and support.

Leeds’ commitment to mental health has been further underlined by recent statistics from the Office for National Statistics. Data for 2021-2023 reveals a three-year average suicide rate in the city of 11.6 per 100,000 people. This figure is notably above the national average of 10.7, indicating a pressing need for targeted interventions. To address this, the public health team conducts detailed audits to identify at-risk groups and inform suicide prevention strategies that form a cornerstone of the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2030.

Leeds is well-equipped with a range of services tailored to mitigate risk factors associated with suicide. Organizations attending the event include Gambling With Lives, addressing gambling addiction, Carers Leeds, offering support to those caring for loved ones, and Battle Scars, a charity assisting individuals who self-harm. Leeds Survivor Led Crisis and Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service will also feature, among others. This gathering of support services epitomizes the city’s comprehensive approach to mental health care.

Engaging Community Efforts

In addition to the market event, Leeds hosts several other activities to commemorate World Suicide Prevention Day. Leeds Minds’ Mindful Employer network, which fosters collaboration among local businesses on mental health issues, is leading an insightful talk titled ‘Strengthening the Safety Net: The vital role of employers in suicide prevention and postvention.’ This initiative underscores the importance Leeds places on workplace mental health and the role employers play in prevention strategies. Those interested can join this progressive network by visiting Leeds Mindful Employer Network – Leeds Mind.

Moreover, Touchstone, a respected health and wellbeing charity, is organizing community-led walks across the city. Staff and volunteers will guide these strolls, encouraging open conversations about mental health and promoting awareness. Participants and supporters can find detailed information on the Touchstone website.

Councillor Fiona Venner, the executive member for equality, health and wellbeing, has been vocal about Leeds’ dedication to suicide prevention. “In Leeds, around one person dies every five days as a result of suicide, and every death leaves behind family, friends, colleagues and communities shattered by the loss,” she stated. Her message is one of resilience and support, highlighting the broad spectrum of help available in Leeds for those grappling with various life challenges. Councillor Venner’s call to action is clear, urging everyone to participate in the market event and learn how the city can assist those in need.

Support Services and Community Outreach

Kirkgate Market’s halls will be transformed into a hub for support services on September 12th, a day strategically chosen for its high visitor numbers. This event is not just a showcase but a lifeline for many who may be seeking help for themselves or others. Leeds City Council’s commitment to suicide prevention extends beyond events; it is a long-term and multi-faceted endeavor that involves collaboration with numerous partners and organizations throughout the city.

The event also serves as a platform for destigmatizing mental health issues and encouraging individuals to take that crucial step toward seeking help. With a diverse array of services available, from supporting carers to providing guidance for addiction recovery, the city is committed to ensuring that no one has to face their struggles alone.

For those seeking immediate information on available support services, the website Suicide Prevention West Yorkshire offers a comprehensive directory. Leeds’ strategy for mental health is not only reactive but preventative, aiming to reduce the chances of such tragedies occurring. The city’s collaborative approach, broad network of support, and commitment to public health initiatives reflect its dedication to building a safer and healthier community.

For media inquiries regarding the events, support services, or Leeds City Council’s initiatives in mental health and suicide prevention, the communications and marketing team can be contacted via email at or by phone at 0113 378 6007.

  • On September 10th, 2024, Leeds will commemorate World Suicide Prevention Day with a ‘market place’ event at Kirkgate Market, focusing on mental health resources and community engagement.
  • The city’s suicide rate stands at 11.6 per 100,000, higher than the national average of 10.7, prompting targeted interventions and strategies for prevention.
  • Organizations like Gambling With Lives, Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service, and Carers Leeds will participate in the event, showcasing a comprehensive approach to mental health care.
  • Leeds Minds’ Mindful Employer network will host a talk on the role of employers in suicide prevention, highlighting the importance of workplace mental health.
  • The city plans to transform Kirkgate Market into a hub for support services, aiming to destigmatize mental health issues and encourage individuals to seek help.

By george