anglo-french forum social inclusion

In December, Leeds and Bradford will host the UK-France Local Government Forum, bringing together local leaders from both nations to share insights on social inclusion and placemaking. This significant event celebrates the 120th anniversary of the Entente Cordiale, strengthening ties and showcasing the cities’ commitments to fostering inclusive and diverse communities.

What is the purpose of the UK-France Local Government Forum in Leeds and Bradford?

The UK-France Local Government Forum aims to foster international cooperation between the UK and France focusing on social inclusion and placemaking. It’s a platform for local government leaders to exchange ideas, share strategies, and learn from each other’s experiences in creating inclusive and cohesive communities. Leeds and Bradford’s hosting of this event highlights their commitment to inclusivity and cultural diversity.

Strengthening International Ties: The UK-France Local Government Forum

As Leeds and Bradford prepare to host the UK-France Local Government Forum this December, the stage is set for an influential exchange of ideas and strategies between the two nations. This forum is not just another event; it’s a testament to the enduring relationship between the United Kingdom and France, set against the backdrop of the 120th anniversary of the Entente Cordiale. It’s a relationship that has fostered cooperation across various sectors, and this year, the focus turns to pressing matters of social inclusion and placemaking.

The forum promises to be a unique congregation of local government leaders from both countries. They will delve into subjects that are crucial for the development of any society. In a time when communities across the globe face challenges of integration and inclusion, the discussions here aim to pave the way for more cohesive societies. Through this exchange, participants will gain insights into effective strategies and innovative approaches to create environments where everyone feels valued.

Leeds and Bradford City Councils take pride in co-hosting an event of such significance. Both cities are renowned for their efforts to foster inclusive communities, making them the perfect hosts for a forum centered on social inclusion. Leaders and delegates from across the UK and France will come together, sharing their experiences and learning from one another. This convergence is a step towards understanding the intricacies of creating spaces that are not only functional but also nurturing and inclusive.

Leeds: A City of Cultural Richness and Inclusivity

Councillor James Lewis, leader of Leeds City Council, expresses excitement and honor at the opportunity to welcome delegates from across the channel. Leeds, with its twinning relationship with Lille since 1968, is no stranger to city diplomacy and international cooperation. The forum is an ideal platform to showcase the city’s commitment to creating an inclusive environment for all its residents. Leeds’ culturally rich and diverse tapestry will serve as an example and inspiration for discussions based on social inclusion and placemaking.

The city’s strategy for inclusive growth aligns seamlessly with the objectives of the forum. As a leader in sustainable urban development, Leeds is keen on sharing its successes and challenges with an international audience. Councillor Lewis looks forward to exchanging ideas that can help improve local services and make Leeds even more welcoming. This initiative also underscores the city’s dedication to contributing positively to the global discourse on inclusivity.

It’s an opportunity for Leeds to shine on the international stage, demonstrating its achievements in fostering a culture of inclusivity and diversity. The forum is not just a meeting of minds but a celebration of all that Leeds represents—a city that embraces everyone, making it a vibrant and dynamic place to live and work. The council’s efforts in this area will be on full display, encouraging others to follow suit and learn from Leeds’ approach to creating an environment where everyone can thrive.

Calling All Leaders: Participation and Engagement in the Forum

The UK-France Local Government Forum is an open call to leaders and officials who are passionate about strengthening their local communities. The Government invites interest from council leaders or combined authorities with active partnerships or twinning arrangements with French counterparts. Those looking to form new partnerships or reinvigorate existing ones are also encouraged to participate. The forum is a chance to build new bridges and reinforce old ones, fostering a spirit of cooperation that extends beyond borders.

Interested parties can inquire further and register their intention to attend by contacting the organizing committee directly. The forum is an unparalleled opportunity to network with like-minded individuals, share best practices, and develop solutions to common challenges. It’s a chance to be part of history and contribute to a legacy of Anglo-French collaboration that has stood the test of time.

As the third event of its kind, following the successful 2022 event in Nancy, France, the anticipation for the forum is palpable. The dialogue and decisions that will emerge from this year’s gathering are poised to impact local government policies and practices positively. By participating, leaders are not just attending another conference; they are becoming part of a movement that values community, connectivity, and the creation of places that people are proud to call home.

For more details and to express interest in the forum, attendees and participants can reach out via email at

Please note: The article above is based on a fictional event and details provided for the purpose of fulfilling a content creation task.

  • Leeds and Bradford will host the UK-France Local Government Forum in December, focusing on social inclusion and placemaking.
  • The event marks the 120th anniversary of the Entente Cordiale, reinforcing the relationship between the UK and France.
  • Local government leaders from both nations will share insights and strategies to create more inclusive and cohesive communities.
  • Leeds City Council emphasizes its commitment to inclusivity, showcasing the city’s cultural richness and its experience in sustainable urban development.
  • The forum invites council leaders and officials interested in strengthening local communities through partnerships and cooperation with French counterparts.

By george