leeds city council mariana pexton

Mariana Pexton has been appointed as the interim chief executive of Leeds City Council, making history as the first woman to lead the second-largest local authority in the UK. With a deep commitment to collaboration and efficiency, Pexton aims to navigate the council through challenges while enhancing services for the people of Leeds.

Who is the new interim chief executive of Leeds City Council?

Mariana Pexton has been appointed as the interim chief executive of Leeds City Council. She is the first woman to lead the second-largest local authority in the UK. Pexton brings a wealth of experience from her previous role as the council’s director of strategy and resources and is committed to fostering collaboration and efficiency within the council.

Historic Appointment at Leeds City Council

In a landmark decision, Leeds City Council has officially announced Mariana Pexton’s appointment as the interim chief executive. The full council’s unanimous vote endorses Pexton’s transition from her previous role as the council’s director of strategy and resources. The significance of her appointment is twofold: she will become the first woman to helm the second-largest local authority in the United Kingdom, and she brings a comprehensive portfolio of experience that promises to steer Leeds City Council through its impending challenges.

Councillor James Lewis, Leader of Leeds City Council, was effusive in his praise:

“Mariana will be an excellent interim chief executive and I’m very pleased that full council has agreed her appointment. We have strong representation from women across our senior political and officer leadership and this is an important milestone for us to now also have our first female head of paid service.”

Lewis’s statement highlights Mariana’s accomplishments and her ability to lead in a time of financial strain which local councils are collectively enduring. He also acknowledges her widespread respect across Leeds for her collaborative work within the community and her advocacy for the council’s ambitions and values.

Mariana Pexton’s Vision and Expertise

Pexton steps into her new role with a deep understanding of the council’s intricacies and a commitment to its success. Her approach is one of collaboration, striving to unify efforts across various sectors to drive positive outcomes for the city. Reflecting on her appointment, Mariana Pexton expressed her devotion to the city and its council:

“It’s a great privilege to have this opportunity and I’m completely committed to the council and to Leeds. Here we do things together, working with residents and partners to achieve the best for the city and its people.”

She intends to focus on honing the council’s efficiency and effectiveness while maintaining a balanced budget. Pexton’s leadership style underscores the importance of teamwork, both within the council and the city at large, to maximize opportunities that will benefit the lives of Leeds’ residents.

As the head of a large directorate, Pexton’s responsibilities span a range of corporate services, including finance, human resources, and Civic Enterprise Leeds. These areas are crucial for delivering frontline services such as catering, cleaning, school crossing patrols, passenger transport, and building repairs.

Mariana Pexton’s Professional Journey

Mariana Pexton boasts an impressive career trajectory, having joined Leeds City Council in 2000. Her path through senior roles in strategy, customer services, and children’s services has equipped her with a nuanced understanding of the council’s operations. Prior to her tenure at the council, Pexton carved out a leadership role in the Civil Service, augmented by her academic achievements, which include a master’s in business administration from the University of Leeds and a recent professional doctorate from Leeds Beckett University, focusing on leadership and strategy in local government.

Pexton’s life outside of her role at the council is equally vibrant. She is married with two children and actively contributes to the sports community as chair of the Leeds Rhinos Foundation and a director at Leeds Rhinos Netball, both on a volunteer basis. Additionally, her dedication to local initiatives was showcased as she completed the inaugural Rob Burrow Leeds Marathon in 2023.

Her tenure as interim chief executive is set to commence on 23 September, and she will remain in this position until the recruitment for a permanent chief executive is finalized.

Leeds City Council’s announcement marks a new chapter in the city’s governance, as Mariana Pexton prepares to lead with her extensive expertise and a clear vision for Leeds’ future. The council, under Pexton’s guidance, is poised to navigate the socio-economic landscape with strategic finesse and a collaborative spirit, fostering a resilient and prosperous Leeds.

  • Mariana Pexton has been appointed as the interim chief executive of Leeds City Council, making her the first woman to lead the second-largest local authority in the UK.
  • The full council unanimously voted to endorse Pexton’s transition from her previous role as the council’s director of strategy and resources.
  • Pexton has a wealth of experience, having joined Leeds City Council in 2000 and held various senior roles, including in strategy and children’s services.
  • Her leadership will focus on collaboration, efficiency, and maintaining a balanced budget while enhancing services for the residents of Leeds.
  • Pexton’s tenure as interim chief executive began on 23 September and will continue until a permanent chief executive is appointed.

By george