construction infrastructure

Construction at Armley Gyratory in Leeds is progressing with the installation of the new Spence Lane footbridge from 13-19 May. Road closures will occur at night, with a 13-mile diversion on 18-19 May due to footbridge assembly. Motorists are advised to follow diversions and plan routes accordingly.

What are the scheduled road closures for the Armley Gyratory construction in Leeds?

Scheduled road closures for the Armley Gyratory construction in Leeds are as follows:

  • Monday to Wednesday (13-15 May): 8:00 PM – 5:30 AM
  • Thursday (16 May): 11:00 PM – 6:30 AM (post Leeds United match)
  • Friday (17 May): 7:00 PM – 6:30 AM
  • Saturday and Sunday (18-19 May): Traffic disruptions due to footbridge assembly; a 13-mile diversion will be in effect.

Motorists should follow signed diversions and plan travel accordingly.

Introduction to the Armley Gyratory Scheme

The city of Leeds continues to witness substantial progress in enhancing its infrastructure, particularly with the Armley Gyratory scheme. Having completed the carriageway works and successfully positioned the new Gelderd Bridge, the focus now shifts to the installation of the Spence Lane footbridge. This installation is set to commence on Monday 13 May and is expected to conclude by Sunday 19 May. This new bridge marks the second in a series of three footbridges being constructed around the Gyratory, with a design that promotes wider and more accessible pathways for all users.

Spanning 32.9 meters in length and four meters in width, the Spence Lane footbridge weighs an impressive 39.5 tonnes. Its design facilitates seamless access over the A643, connecting both sides of the gyratory through two new ramps. These ramps aim to cater to non-motorized users and individuals with disabilities, ensuring ease of mobility and inclusivity. It’s worth noting that these bridges are engineered for reduced maintenance and frequent inspections, promising durability for decades.

To transport the new ramps, which weigh a combined 75.9 tonnes, careful planning is required. The ramps will be delivered in sections and assembled onsite. To limit traffic disruption, work is scheduled during nighttime, spanning from the 13th to the 18th of May. These significant operations necessitate road and partial lane closures, with clearly signed detours implemented.

Road Closures and Traffic Management

Adapting to infrastructure upgrades often involves temporary inconveniences, and the Armley Gyratory project is no exception. To ensure the smooth installation of the Spence Lane footbridge, there will be scheduled night-time closures affecting the area from the 13th to the 17th of May. Motorists should be aware of the following schedule:

  • Monday: 8:00 PM – 5:30 AM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 PM – 5:30 AM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 PM – 6:30 AM
  • Thursday: 11:00 PM – 6:30 AM (adjusted due to Leeds United play-off match)
  • Friday: 7:00 PM – 6:30 AM

During these times, the A643 northbound carriageway will be inaccessible from junction 2 (M621) to the Gyratory, primarily due to the requirements for the police-escorted delivery of ramp sections. A five-mile diversion will be in place to reroute traffic effectively.

The operations on Saturday, 18 May, and Sunday, 19 May, involve the transportation and assembly of the Spence Lane main span. This requires the placement of a crane on the A643 northbound carriageway, which will be closed, while traffic will be maintained in lane 4 of the gyratory. The exit to Wellington South will be closed, and traffic will be channeled into a single lane around the gyratory to provide enough space for the construction efforts. A comprehensive 13-mile diversion will be established to facilitate all vehicle types.

For the delivery of the main span, the transportation route is planned via M621 junction 2. The load will move north along the A643 before crossing onto the southbound carriageway, heading against the flow of traffic until it reaches the gyratory. This segment of the operation will be actively managed by police between 8:30 PM and 9:45 PM.

Adjustments and Community Considerations

The City Council has taken proactive measures to align the construction schedule with the city’s vibrant event calendar. Recognizing the significance of community events, there has been a strategic delay of construction activities on Thursday, 16 May, to accommodate the Leeds United play-off match. The commencement of operations will be postponed until 11 PM, after the conclusion of the match. This careful planning also extends to the works on Sunday, which are set to finish well before the T20 England versus Pakistan cricket match, weather and unforeseen conditions permitting.

Leeds City Council has been diligent in synchronizing the roadworks with other events to minimize inconvenience. Councillor Helen Hayden expressed gratitude towards the collaborative efforts of the project team: “We’re completing Spence Lane footbridge… These bridges work represent transformative changes… The works are also a bridge engineering challenge… with the least disruption as possible.”

Residents and commuters are encouraged to plan their travel during the construction period from 13 May to 19 May and to follow the signed road diversions. The council extends its appreciation to the public for their ongoing patience and to those who have adapted their travel routines.

Further information on the works can be found on the project website (, including updates on future phases. These updates highlight the completion targets for the Spence Bridge and Gelderd Bridge by Summer and Spring 2024, respectively, and the Wellington Road Bridge by Autumn/Winter 2024/25. The pedestrian diversion for the main span installation will be in place until Summer 2024, ensuring continued access throughout the construction period.

The work on the Armley Gyratory is a testament to the city’s commitment to developing a more connected and accessible infrastructure for its residents. The meticulous orchestration of these works reflects the city’s dedication to progress, even in the face of logistical and scheduling challenges.

  • Construction at Armley Gyratory in Leeds includes the installation of the new Spence Lane footbridge from 13-19 May.
  • Scheduled road closures will occur at night from 13-17 May, with a 13-mile diversion on 18-19 May due to footbridge assembly.
  • The Spence Lane footbridge is 32.9 meters long, 4 meters wide, and weighs 39.5 tonnes, aiming to provide wider and more accessible pathways.
  • Motorists should follow signed diversions and plan accordingly for road closures during the installation of the Spence Lane footbridge.
  • Leeds City Council has strategically planned construction activities to align with community events and minimize disruption during the Armley Gyratory scheme.

By george