economic revitalization community impact

The Heart of Holbeck initiative, backed by over £15 million from the Levelling Up Fund, aims to revitalize the Holbeck area in Leeds by renewing the local high street, transforming the community centre, enhancing public spaces, and improving approximately 200 terraced homes. This regeneration project will support local charity Holbeck Together, add new services like a gym and café, and stimulate economic and social growth in the community. Leeds City Council and Holbeck Together are awaiting final confirmation from the government regarding the funding and timeline for the project.

What is the Heart of Holbeck initiative and its impact?

The Heart of Holbeck initiative, backed by over £15 million from the Levelling Up Fund, aims to revitalize the Holbeck area in Leeds by renewing the local high street, transforming the community centre, enhancing public spaces, and improving approximately 200 terraced homes. This regeneration project will support local charity Holbeck Together, add new services like a gym and café, and stimulate economic and social growth in the community.

Economic Revitalization through the Levelling Up Fund

Leeds City Council has been the fortunate recipient of a substantial financial boost, with over £15 million earmarked for the extensive rejuvenation of Holbeck. This remarkable investment arises from the most recent allocations of the government’s Levelling Up Fund, a national effort aimed at equitable regional development. The ‘Heart of Holbeck’ initiative is poised to deliver profound changes, targeting the renewal of the local high street and a transformation of the community centre, alongside a series of improvements to the area’s traditional terraced housing.

The strategy is multifaceted, encompassing enhancements to public spaces that are designed to uplift the visual appeal, safety, and overall accessibility of Holbeck’s central areas. A notable portion of the funds is set to invigorate the local retail hub, with a clear focus on bolstering the infrastructure to better accommodate cyclists and pedestrians. Furthermore, the mainstay of the community, Holbeck Moor, is to undergo a renewal process that will breathe new life into the park.

Housing is also a critical aspect of the regeneration plan, with approximately 200 back-to-back homes slated for improvement. The focus here will be on upgrading insulation, safety features, and external aesthetics, all while engaging landlords to contribute financially to the enhancement of what are currently some of the poorest private housing conditions within Leeds.

Local Charity and Community Impact

Central to the Heart of Holbeck project is the support directed at local charity Holbeck Together. This substantial injection of funds will facilitate improvements to St Matthew’s Community Centre, the present nerve center for the charity’s operations. Coupled with the Old Box Office, the expansion promises a wide array of new services, such as a gym and café. These facilities will not only cater to the community’s needs but also offer spaces for local microbusinesses and a social supermarket, adding an economic stimulus to Holbeck’s social fabric.

Councillor Helen Hayden, an executive member for sustainable development & infrastructure, articulated the city’s ambitions, stating, “This is fantastic news, which will allow the council to work closely with the local community to deliver transformative change across Holbeck, regenerating the neighbourhood, delivering 21st-century infrastructure, and supporting the delivery of services that are really needed there.” This statement underscores the council’s commitment to the region and its readiness to collaborate with both the government and the citizens of Holbeck to bring the project to fruition.

Hayden further emphasized the steps ahead: “There is still work to be done before we can put spades in the ground, but we are committed to working with the government and Holbeck Together to successfully deliver the Heart of Holbeck project.” This serves as a reminder of the ongoing nature of the initiative and the efforts required to move from planning to action.

Reactions and Next Steps

Elissa Newman, Chief officer at Holbeck Together, expressed her elation and the significance of this funding, remarking, “This is such brilliant news for Holbeck and a real testament to great partnership work between the council and Third Sector.” This sentiment highlights the successful collaboration that has been pivotal in securing the funding. Newman continued, “We were so disappointed when our original funding bid was not approved earlier this year, but we have continued to develop our project with business parties across the city and this announcement comes at the perfect time to allow us to plan for further growth in our offer to the community and to improve vital local facilities. This is a game changer for the future of Holbeck.”

The enthusiasm shared by both council and charity representatives is palpable, as they both recognize the transformative potential of these plans for the Holbeck area. Yet, before these plans can materialize, Leeds City Council and Holbeck Together must undergo a validation process with the government to confirm the funding award.

In anticipation of further details and confirmation from the government regarding the project’s funding and potential timeline, the city council remains on standby. The final confirmation of the project, while pending, is a beacon of hope for the future development of Holbeck. For more information on the government’s announcement and methodology behind funding decisions, please visit the Levelling Up Fund Round 3 explanatory note.


Notes to editors.

Leeds City Council awaits further details and confirmation from the government of the projects funding and potential timeline, with final confirmation of the project still pending.

  • The Heart of Holbeck initiative aims to revitalize the Holbeck area in Leeds with over £15 million in funding from the Levelling Up Fund.
  • The project includes renewing the local high street, transforming the community centre, enhancing public spaces, and improving approximately 200 terraced homes.
  • The regeneration project will support local charity Holbeck Together and add new services like a gym and café.
  • The funding is part of the government’s Levelling Up Fund, which aims to promote equitable regional development.
  • Leeds City Council and Holbeck Together are awaiting final confirmation from the government regarding the funding and timeline for the project.

By george