international relations city diplomacy

Leeds and Kharkiv have signed a Friendship Oath, symbolizing international support and solidarity during Kharkiv’s challenges in the war with Russia. This agreement marks the beginning of a partnership to promote cultural and economic cooperation, showcasing the power of city diplomacy and Leeds’s commitment to inclusive growth and international relations.

What is the significance of the Friendship Oath signed between Leeds and Kharkiv?

The Friendship Oath between Leeds and Kharkiv is a symbol of international solidarity and support, particularly during Kharkiv’s challenges amid the war with Russia. It marks the beginning of a partnership aimed at fostering cultural and economic cooperation, highlighting Leeds’s commitment to international relations and inclusive growth, and showcasing the power of city diplomacy in times of conflict.

International Relations and City Diplomacy

Leeds City Council has committed to a burgeoning relationship with Kharkiv, marked by the signing of a Friendship Oath. This gesture not only symbolizes support but also serves as the precursor to a more established Friendship Agreement. At the British Embassy in Prague, the Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Al Garthwaite, joined by the First Deputy Mayor of Kharkiv, Oleksander Novak, formalized this agreement. The occasion was significant, coinciding with the twentieth anniversary of Leeds’ twinning with Brno, celebrated during Councillor Garthwaite’s visit to the Czech Republic.

The Friendship Oath was born out of an approach by Kharkiv city officials in June 2022, seeking to build comprehensive cooperation. Following a full council debate in July 2022, the Leeds City Council confirmed its dedication to fostering international partnerships. This commitment is in line with Leeds’s history of international solidarity, evidenced by its numerous twinning agreements and sister-city relationships.

Councillor Jonathan Pryor, the Deputy Leader of Leeds City Council, endorsed the agreement, highlighting Leeds’s contribution to Ukraine’s war efforts. The city has raised significant funds through the Together Leeds for Ukraine appeal and has welcomed a substantial number of Ukrainian residents into local communities. Pryor emphasized the importance of international relationships to Leeds’s global presence and its comprehensive International Relations Plan, which is part of the city’s Inclusive Growth Strategy.

Solidarity and Support in Troubled Times

The Lord Mayor of Leeds expressed profound pride in endorsing the Friendship Oath, acknowledging the resilience of Kharkiv amid the war with Russia. The commitment to a prosperous exchange between the cities symbolizes a beacon of hope for a peaceful future. “While Kharkiv is at the forefront of the war with Russia,” Councillor Garthwaite remarked, “its beauty, culture, and positivity still shine through these dark times.”

The sentiment of unity and solidarity was echoed by Kharkiv’s Mayor, Ihor Terekhov. He praised Leeds for demonstrating strong support for Ukraine and foresaw a collaborative relationship enriching both cities culturally and economically. Terekhov stressed the critical role of city diplomacy in Ukraine’s future, both in resolving the current conflict and planning for post-war recovery.

The UK’s ambassadorial representatives also weighed in on the importance of such agreements. The UK Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Matt Field, and the UK Ambassador to Ukraine, Martin Harris, both praised the signing of the Friendship Oath. They underscored the solidarity between Ukraine and the UK at various levels, including city-to-city and people-to-people connections.

Building the Framework for Future Cooperation

The signing of the Friendship Oath is a non-legally binding gesture yet represents a significant step towards formalizing support for Kharkiv. It embodies the strong sense of community and shared values between Leeds and Kharkiv, despite the turmoil brought by the war. The Leeds City Council’s Inclusive Growth Strategy, as well as its International Relations Plan, provide a blueprint for the city’s global engagement and are essential to understanding Leeds’s approach to building international partnerships.

Photo captions provided by Leeds City Council offer a glimpse into the ceremony, with Councillor Garthwaite and Deputy Mayor Novak immortalized in the act of signing the Oath. These images, combined with the list of the support provided by Leeds and the cost-neutral facilitation of the Lord Mayor’s visit by the British Embassy, add depth to the narrative of Leeds’ commitment to international cooperation.

For those seeking further engagement with this initiative or interviews with the key figures involved, contact details have been provided. It is clear that the connection between Leeds and Kharkiv extends beyond mere diplomacy. It is a testament to the enduring human spirit that seeks out friendship and collaboration even in the most challenging circumstances.

Notes for Editors:

  • Photo Captions:

    • Leeds Kharkiv 1.jpg: The Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Al Garthwaite and the First Deputy Mayor of Kharkiv, Oleksander Novak, signing the Friendship Oath. Credit: Leeds City Council
    • Leeds Kharkiv 2.jpg: The Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Al Garthwaite and the First Deputy Mayor of Kharkiv, Oleksander Novak, with a commemorative plaque to mark the signing of the Friendship Oath. Credit: Leeds City Council
  • Additional Information:

    • The British Embassy in Prague facilitated the Lord Mayor’s visit to Brno and Prague at no cost to Leeds City Council.
    • A Friendship Oath is a statement to mark solidarity with Kharkiv and to begin the development of a Friendship Agreement to establish friendship, recognize bilateral relations, and promote cooperation.
    • For more information on Leeds City Council’s strategies, please consult the Inclusive Growth Strategy and the International Relations Strategy.
    • Should you wish to secure an interview with the Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Jonathan Pryor, or the British ambassadors, please contact: 07447 582890.
  • Leeds and Kharkiv have signed a Friendship Oath to symbolize international support and solidarity during Kharkiv’s challenges in the war with Russia.

  • This agreement marks the beginning of a partnership to promote cultural and economic cooperation between the two cities.
  • The signing of the Friendship Oath is a non-legally binding gesture but represents a significant step towards formalizing support for Kharkiv.
  • The Lord Mayor of Leeds and the First Deputy Mayor of Kharkiv formalized the agreement at the British Embassy in Prague.
  • The UK ambassadors to the Czech Republic and Ukraine praised the signing of the Friendship Oath, highlighting the solidarity between the two countries.

By george