1 walking routes

Skipton, a charming town near the Yorkshire Dales National Park, offers a variety of stunning walking routes. From the family-friendly Strid trail through Strid Wood to the challenging Silsden Moor Circular, these walks provide an immersive experience amidst picturesque landscapes and natural wonders.

What are the best walking routes near Skipton for stunning landscapes?

Skipton boasts a variety of picturesque walking routes for exploring stunning landscapes:
1. The Strid: A 4.7-mile family-friendly trail near Bolton Priory.
2. Skipton Woods Walk: A 1.9-mile riverside stroll starting at The Old Sawmill.
3. Silsden Moor Circular: An 11.5-mile trek for the adventurous, starting at Parsons Lane.
4. Embsay Moor Circular: A 9.6-mile hike for experienced walkers, beginning on Barden Road.
5. Skipton to Malham: A scenic 12-mile route connecting two charming Yorkshire towns.

A Walker’s Wonderland in Skipton

The idyllic market town of Skipton, sitting on the cusp of the Yorkshire Dales National Park, is a haven for walking enthusiasts. With its pastoral settings and easy access to the beauty of the dales, Skipton offers a delightful array of walks for all ages and abilities. These walks not only serve as a form of exercise but also as a gateway to experiencing the serene landscapes Yorkshire has to offer. From tranquil woodlands to expansive moorlands, let’s delve into a selection of walking routes that capture the essence of the region.

Nestled in the heart of Yorkshire, Skipton’s proximity to natural splendor is unparalleled. A mere stone’s throw from the town center, adventurers can embark on an exploration through varying terrains. Whether one seeks a leisurely stroll or a more strenuous hike, the walks near Skipton provide an immersive outdoor experience amidst the picturesque backdrop of what is fondly known as “God’s Own County.”

The Strid: A Family-Friendly Adventure

The Strid, located near Bolton Priory, presents a 4.7-mile trail that is suitable for family outings. Approximately a 10-minute drive from Skipton, this walk is accessible to individuals of varying fitness levels. As one meanders along the River Wharfe through the lush Strid Wood, ancient oaks stand tall, offering a majestic canopy. The trail weaves through verdant fields, inviting walkers to a visual feast that culminates at the scenic Barden Bridge.

The walk begins at the Cavendish Pavilion, a starting point that promises a journey filled with natural wonders. At Barden Bridge, a mid-point in the walk, one can pause to savor the picturesque vistas before continuing on the path that loops back to the starting point.

Skipton Woods Walk: A Riverside Stroll

For a shorter, yet equally enchanting excursion, the Skipton Woods Walk is ideal. This 1.9-mile circuit starts at The Old Sawmill, leading walkers along the riverside paths toward the Round Dam. Here, a bridge invites visitors to an island retreat within the waters, offering a perfect spot for contemplation and nature appreciation. The trail continues along Long Dam, returning toward The Bailey, where panoramic views stretch across the valley.

Lined with ancient woodlands, this route is a treasure trove for birdwatchers, with the possibility of glimpsing the iridescent flash of a kingfisher. Starting at The Old Sawmill, the walk is a testament to the enduring beauty of nature that surrounds Skipton.

Silsden Moor Circular: A Trek for the Bold

For those seeking a challenge, the Silsden Moor Circular beckons. Just a 15-minute journey from Skipton, this 11.5-mile trek along the Millennium Way offers far-reaching views that encompass Skipton, Rombald’s Moor, and Ilkley on clear days. It is a path that takes one past local landmarks like Cowburn Beck and Low Bradley Mill, ascending to the rocky prominence of High Bradley, at the edge of Skipton Moor.

Though the climb may test one’s endurance, the reward lies in the heather-clad hills and the serene Chelker Reservoir that await at the summit. The walk starts at Parsons Lane, Addingham, marking the commencement of an adventure through Yorkshire’s heartland.

Embsay Moor Circular: Panoramic Beauty of the Dales

Embsay Moor, a brief 10-minute drive from Skipton, offers a 9.6-mile trek for experienced ramblers. Beginning on Barden Road, the route leads eastward to Embsay Moor Reservoir, the first of three water bodies encountered. The journey then ascends Cracoe Fell, Rylstone Fell, and Hall Fell, with landmarks such as Rylstone Cross and Cracoe War Memorial adding historical context to the natural landscape.

Moorland conditions may become challenging, but the breathtaking views of the Upper and Lower Barden Reservoirs are a fitting reward for the effort. The starting point on Barden Road is a gateway to the untamed beauty of the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

Skipton to Malham: A Scenic Connection

Linking two of North Yorkshire’s picturesque towns, the Skipton to Malham walk is a 12-mile route that promises an array of vistas, quaint villages, and noteworthy landmarks. The undulating path guides walkers through Flasby and Hetton, circling around Winterburn Reservoir, an especially charming scene during the winter months. On clearer days, Pendle Hill is visible in the distance, adding to the grandeur of the landscape.

Joining The Dales High Way, one can marvel at the grandiosity of Gordale Scar and the seclusion of Janet’s Foss waterfall. The walk begins at Chapel Hill, Skipton, forging a connection between two gems of North Yorkshire through a journey filled with natural splendor.

In summary, these five walks near Skipton offer a diverse range of experiences for walkers of all interests and capabilities. Whether drawn to family-friendly trails, woodland walks, or challenging moorland treks, the landscape around Skipton is a testament to the allure of the Yorkshire Dales. With each route offering its own unique perspective on this enchanting part of the country, walkers are sure to find an adventure that resonates with their spirit of exploration.

  • Skipton offers a variety of stunning walking routes through picturesque landscapes.
  • The Strid is a family-friendly 4.7-mile trail near Bolton Priory.
  • Skipton Woods Walk is a 1.9-mile riverside stroll starting at The Old Sawmill.
  • Silsden Moor Circular is an 11.5-mile trek starting at Parsons Lane.
  • Embsay Moor Circular is a 9.6-mile hike starting on Barden Road.
  • Skipton to Malham is a scenic 12-mile route connecting two Yorkshire towns.

By george