history remembrance

Leeds prepares to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day with a wreath-laying service at the Victoria Gardens war memorial, joined by dignitaries in honoring the WWII heroes. The city’s month-long Armed Forces Festival will culminate in the annual Armed Forces Day event, showcasing community spirit and remembrance for those who served.

How is Leeds commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day?

Leeds is commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day with a wreath-laying service at the Victoria Gardens war memorial, led by dignitaries. The city’s events include community involvement, honoring veterans, and a month-long Armed Forces Festival culminating in the annual Armed Forces Day event. Public buildings will display patriotic colors and a D-Day motif to honor the historic day.

Commemorating the Past with Solemn Tributes

As the 80th anniversary of D-Day approaches, Leeds is gearing up for a series of heartfelt tributes to honor those who played a pivotal role in one of the most significant military endeavors of the Second World War. The landings on the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944, stand as a monumental turning point. Over 155,000 troops from the UK, the US, Canada, and other Allied nations executed the largest seaborne invasion in history. Leeds will join communities across the country in remembering this day of extraordinary bravery and sacrifice.

The primary event in Leeds will take place at the war memorial in Victoria Gardens in the city center. Slated to begin at 1:30 pm, a wreath-laying service will be held, led by dignitaries including the Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Abigail Marshall Katung, and the HM Lord-Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, Ed Anderson CBE. Ensuring a solemn atmosphere, prayers will be offered by the Reverend Canon Paul Maybury. The service is set to pay homage to the troops’ selfless act of heroism.

Councillor Abigail Marshall Katung conveyed the city’s sentiment, stating, “I’m pleased and proud that Leeds is marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day, a moment in history that means so much to us all. Next Thursday’s service will be a fitting way to show our appreciation for the troops who fought for our freedom and to also remember those that sadly never came home.”

Honouring Veterans and Strengthening Community Bonds

The commemoration is not only about looking back at the past but also about fostering a sense of community and continuity. A diverse array of representatives will attend the service, from various veterans’ groups to members of the Polish community and the Honorary Consul of France in Leeds, Stephanie Dawson. Integration of the current military presence will also be evident, with sailors from HMS Ceres participating. This blend of attendees demonstrates the community’s enduring respect and gratitude for the sacrifices made nearly eight decades ago.

Local civic buildings will don the patriotic colors of red, white, and blue, with the city’s Leeds Lights team preparing an illuminated D-Day motif for display in Victoria Gardens throughout June. These visual symbols serve as a reminder of the unity and resilience that emerged from the trials of war.

Councillor Jane Dowson, the Armed Forces Champion for Leeds, reflected on the bravery of D-Day, noting, “The courage of all those who landed on the beaches of Normandy on that momentous day in 1944 is hard to imagine. I hope that next week’s commemorations will demonstrate how keenly we feel our debt to them.”

A Month Full of Remembrance and Celebration

Leeds’s remembrance goes beyond the anniversary day, with a month-long Armed Forces Festival offering an array of activities, shows, talks, and exhibitions. This festival serves not only as an extended tribute to the armed forces but also as an opportunity for education and engagement with the city’s rich military history. For those interested in participating or learning more, further information about the programme is readily available.

The culmination of the month’s activities will be celebrated with the annual Armed to culminate with Leeds’s annual Armed Forces Day event, taking place in the city centre on Sunday, June 30. More details about the day can be found here.

As Leeds prepares to mark this significant anniversary, the events planned reflect a community’s commitment to remembering the valor of those who fought for peace and freedom. It’s an opportunity for current and future generations to acknowledge a legacy of courage that continues to resonate 80 years on.


  • Leeds is commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day with a wreath-laying service at the Victoria Gardens war memorial, led by dignitaries.
  • The city’s events include community involvement, honoring veterans, and a month-long Armed Forces Festival culminating in the annual Armed Forces Day event.
  • Over 155,000 troops from the UK, the US, Canada, and other Allied nations executed the largest seaborne invasion in history during D-Day.
  • The commemoration in Leeds includes prayers, veterans’ groups, and the Honorary Consul of France, Stephanie Dawson, attending the service.
  • The month-long Armed Forces Festival in Leeds offers activities, shows, talks, and exhibitions to engage with the city’s military history.

By george